
Leak detection on spa includes:
Pressure test all plumbing including skimmers, spa suction, and spa returns. Dye test lights, spa structure and main drains. If leak is indicated by the pressure test, we use electronic equipment to listen and locate leak.

Leak detection on pool includes:
Pressure test skimmer(s), pool return, pool cleaner and main drain(s). Dye test light(s), pool structure and main drain(s). We dive into the pool to pressure test theĀ main drain(s). If a leak is indicated by the pressure test, we use electronic equipment to listen and locate the leak.

Leak detection on water features (WF) includes:
If additional booster pumps for water features exist, we will pressure test all plumbing including WF suction and returns if it is possible. If leak is indicated by the pressure test, we use electronic equipment to listen and locate leak.
Are you having a pool leak?
Your pool, fountain, or spa loses more than 1/4 of an inch of water a day
Sudden increase in monthly water bill
There are cracks in and around the pool decking
You need to add water more than once a week
Grass around the area is soggy
Are you having issues balancing your water quality
Your pool deck is sinking or lifting
The bucket test indicates there is a leak